Step 1: Unscrew the brake line screw then unscrew the other screw that holds the line in place.
Step 2: Once both are out, lift the line upwards and out. Go to the lever and unscrew the black knob until you see the clearing.
Step 3: Pull the line through the clearing and the bulbous metal piece out of the slot. Cut the zip ties holding the lines together at the top and bottom.
Step 4: Unscrew the 4 screws holding the folding mechanism base to the footboard. Set the stem aside.
Step 5: Unscrew the 4 screws at the bottom of the scooter and the 4 screws in front. Pull the front plastic cover off.
Step 6: Unscrew the side panels and set it aside.
Step 7: Pull the controller out and unplug the wires starting with the larger red and yellow connectors. Then disconnect this specific connector that goes to the side lights. Disconnect the 2 thicker cords on the side with the power button and pull them through to the plastic cover on the other side. Make sure to take a photo of each connector before disconnecting them.
Step 8: Once the cavity is clear, pull the battery out. Go to the bottom rear of the scooter where the line exits the body and remove this black material called colt.
Step 9: Pull the line down and out of the stem.
Step 10: Thread the new line through the slot in the cover and then up the stem. If the plastic barrier at the top is stopping the line from emerging, just unscrew the quick release above. Slide both quick release and plastic barrier upwards. Place the quick release and the barrier back once the line went through.
Step 11:Push the line through the cavity and out the small hole in the rear of the scooter and set the brake system back up.
Step 12: Slide the battery in and reconnect the wires.
Step 13: Slide the connector in and screw everything back including the cover.
Step 14: Move to the top 4 screws and reinstall the folding mechanism. Once done, reinstall the side panels and completely tighten the screw on the brake unit. Don’t forget to apply sealant on the slot where we removed the colt.
Step 15: Place the line back to the lever and secure it.